13 definitions by shiftyclaybob

steak and shake

Eating a delicious steak, and then immediately receiving a handjob of equal magnitude.
A random advertisement: "Feeling hungry AND horny? Come on into our top-rated restaurant today to receive the best steak and shake of your life! No meatgrinders here, on both counts!"
by shiftyclaybob September 27, 2011
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The Rad Rectangle

Another name for the state of Colorado, comes from its shape and awesome snowboarding, ya, ya, ya dig?

Warning: Not to be confused with the Queer-ass Quadrilateral, Wyoming, which is Colorodo's gay and less popular twin.
Ben: Hey Kyle how was your spring break snowboarding in The Rad Rectangle?

Kyle: It was rad.

Ben: I dig.
by shiftyclaybob March 14, 2010
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A name for a man's penis, derived from a mispronounciation of a name Skater4life.
Oh man this party tonight better be awesome. I can't wait for some chick to show some interest in my skeetrod.
by shiftyclaybob November 16, 2009
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Tankasaurus Rex

A hybrid word made up of tank and tyrannasaurus rex, used to describe something with capabilities of both in the areas of strength and speed.
Ben: Whoa Clay just rolled that Viper over like 50 times! Your Ford GT is a Tankasaurus Rex!

Clay: Oh ya?
by shiftyclaybob September 16, 2009
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Charles: Hey Tom, Sam won't come out of his room. "Sam what are ya dickfiddling in there???

Tom: I'm pretty sure Sam's fiddling some serious dick right now.
by shiftyclaybob January 28, 2010
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Bmisk The Dragonslayer

A rarely seen, ferocious being who has sometimes been regarded as an urban legend. He was last seen by the public competing in a testorone-injected game known as Full Contact Spoons. His signature piece of apparel is a white Nike headband he wears while bellowing out his signature catch phrase: "Bmisk! The Dragonslayer! RAAAAARRRR!". Famous for his soccer game antics accompanied by The Koehler Bear along with tremendous speed. Rumor has it he was last seen near the Mount Pleasant area.............
Sean: Hey man were u in class when Bmisk the Dragonslayer popped into class for 2 seconds and said "Bmisk! The Dragonslayer! RAAAAR!!" ?

Guy: Na man I missed it, he is one quick bastard.

Sean: This is true!
by shiftyclaybob September 11, 2009
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The Koehler Bear

A supreme being with record-breaking speed, when seen by the general public, it has been said that it brings luck. Loves to have pregame and wacky pregame prayers, great supplier of man-fives, and like his partner in crime Bmisk the Dragonslayer, wears a headband frequently. Although he loves to display his illegally good looks, he does not have a catch phrase. Above all he is a gentleman and a scholar.
Coach Mike: Hey guys, why can't u be awesome and score 8 goals like The Koehler Bear over here?

Team: Sorry coach, Bmisk the Dragonslayer is scoring all the rest!

Coach Mike: Oh quit being such fagboys
by shiftyclaybob September 15, 2009
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