8 seconds

While doing your woman from behind, call out another chicks name and hang in there for "8 seconds", this is also known as a bull riding term.
I hung in their for 8 seconds after I said the wrong name, she to tried to buck me off!
by Big Bad Booty Daddy March 11, 2003
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8 seconds

While doing your woman from behind, lean in close and whisper "I have AIDS" and then grab her ears and hold on for 8 Seconds, this is also known as a bull riding term.
Dude I missed it by like a second!
by Emoworm May 8, 2005
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8 seconds

When your doing a chick from behind and you have your buddies stand outside and when you give them a signal the come in and turn on the light and you have to try and hang on for 8 seconds.
Dude i almost got 8 seconds that time.
by Raymond Johnson May 19, 2005
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8 Seconds

When you are fucking a chick doggy style, put her in a full nelson, tell her she is the ugliest bitch you have ever seen, and then try and hang in there for 8 seconds.
I tried for the 8 seconds, and the bitch got me off.
by Nick May 21, 2004
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8 second ride

The act of fucking a woman from behind then grabbing onto her hair and yelling "You're sister is better than you are!" and trying to hold on for 8 seconds.
Jenny was the wildest 8 second ride I ever had.
by Brandon Guymon September 18, 2008
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8 second rodeo

Have a bunch of friends hide in the closet or in the next room. Get a girl, while doing her doggy style take her hair in one big fist and have your friends jump in and start cheering. Try to maintain the grip for 8 seconds.
Mmmmh Eric thats nice... (friends run in the room) Hey Hey there ya go man YYEEAAHHH 8 second rodeo time, hahahaha. You fuckin ass hole Eric! YYEEHHAAA
by Eric Domes October 12, 2006
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8 Second Timer

This timer was developed by the YouTuber "Diddle" as a means to exploit the site LootVGO. If you use the 8 Second Timer on the site, you are guaranteed to make profit every single time.

(This timer was exclusively popularized by Diddle and anyone who copies it is a golfball lookin ass chicken head.
"Use the 8 Second Timer and you can't lose!"
by YouTubeDiddle January 14, 2019
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