284 definitions by scott

annoying female that wants a beer
"scott can i please have some of your beer?!!!" "damn girl quit actin' like a thirst bitch"
by scott March 29, 2003
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That guy Steve thinks these curtains don't match those window trimmings. What fragical thinking.
by scott May 18, 2004
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noun, but can be used as an adjective; extreme outrageousness, or being beyond awesome
That party last night was hysteria man.
by scott November 1, 2004
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Magiabulance (noun) is defined as an instance in which one talks about something which one knows nothing about. Essentially, to crap on, to bullshit.

Other forms include magiabulant (adj) and magiabulate (verb)
Horace's thesis was teeming with magiabulance.

Gertrude, you're being magiabulant!

Cornelius would magiabulate in class when he didn't know an answer.
by scott January 17, 2005
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a worm that is extremely long and is possesed by the devil and after being cut can still survive
dang that stupid boocheba wont die
by scott March 30, 2005
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derogatory for hispanic person, esp. female
Looky harr, Billy-Paul, I shot me a brownita!
by scott December 19, 2003
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