8 definitions by ratatatatatatat


Shaqueila :"Dontya bring yo toothpick ass aroun' here!"
by ratatatatatatat March 14, 2016
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Nibble couple of nuts every two hours as opposed to nice warm couple of meals
Momma (taking out a packet of spicy nuts) : here s your nibblemeal. And another one for next break"
by ratatatatatatat March 14, 2016
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Blobetta is a hippo who says meow gobble gobble and. Random noises anything Makes she’s learning how to speak English and she bring smiles to people around her
Blobetta say blue

Blobetta: eulb
by ratatatatatatat November 22, 2019
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rap video

a good platform for supercar advertisement! Great soundtrack!
Marketing manger at production plant somewhere in Germany " Lets make a rap video for the new launch!"
by ratatatatatatat March 14, 2016
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Nick is a kind person and he loves to play video games he has a good sense of humour and is always looking out for others
Hey I met nick over there he is so kind
Oh I know him he is really good at video games
by ratatatatatatat November 21, 2019
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a person who needs a life , just sits around googling stupid shit and acts know-it-all
What do you doing googleboy? why dont go outside and go play?
by ratatatatatatat March 14, 2016
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Imogen beagly

Imogen beagly is a kind girl but will kick ass if she wants to she watches piwdiepie and is very stupid but funny she is a fun and enjoyable person to be around she is friends with everyone and loves to play dead man and be possessed for some reason she hates spicy food and can do her maths very well she has been torched to read this and she forgets to pay Bronte back
Hey Imogen beagly when will you pay me back

Imogen: tomorrow
by ratatatatatatat November 21, 2019
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