Imogens are soooo cute and adorable. Their singing voices are really beautiful and sweet, you could just sit and listen to her singing all day. Imogen’s are super pretty on the inside and out, if one walks past you, you just stop and stare for a moment to admire how pretty they are. They are so caring and kind, they are always there for you when you need them most, they can make a huge impact on your life in just one conversation.
They have a great sense of humour and always tend to make you smile or laugh. You can always trust her and she makes you feel so special. It’s like as if all your fears go away when talking with her. If you have a friend or more than that called Imogen, never let them go, they really are something amazing that you will love getting to know and will love getting closer to
They have a great sense of humour and always tend to make you smile or laugh. You can always trust her and she makes you feel so special. It’s like as if all your fears go away when talking with her. If you have a friend or more than that called Imogen, never let them go, they really are something amazing that you will love getting to know and will love getting closer to
by Walshyyyy November 30, 2018
An Imogen can be quite tricky. She can get angry VERY easily. However, she is one of the funniest girls you could meet. An Imogen hides her feelings so she might need checking up on. Imogen is a great friend and can make anyone laugh. Don't be fooled tho! She isn't as NICE as you think, Imogen can make fun of people but her jokes about them are hilarious! Keep an eye out for an Imogen, she is a keeper!
by Taylor_M April 11, 2020
A beautiful girl admired by everyone for her honesy and kindness. Boys feel nervous around her and girls feel jealous. If you are lucky enough to know an Imogen hold her tight and never let her go!
by angrybird101 June 9, 2013
An Imogen is a very pretty person who will always make you laugh.
You can always trust her and if you have a friend called Imogen then you'll never be left alone.
You can always trust her and if you have a friend called Imogen then you'll never be left alone.
Imogen is my BFF!
by Ally_gator11 October 25, 2016
A good pal who always has those crackers that she whips out in the morning. Always has the best memes and style.
Becky: "Hey do you want my crackers?"
You: "Hell no. I only want Imogen's crackers, those are the best !"
Becky: "oh"
You: "Hell no. I only want Imogen's crackers, those are the best !"
Becky: "oh"
by Libbyyaboi October 20, 2017
An Imogen is usually an insightful and somewhat infectiously funny individual. She can randomly start laughing whilst looking at her friends doing stupid things, and can be known to bunk off some activities. An Imogen is always fun to be around.
by bobhiya March 5, 2019
Genius at it's height. Imogens are often very intelligent and intellectual, and have the power combination of beauty and brains. Full of passion and romance Imogens are often seen as perfect girlfriends, as they are romantic and passionate but never fail to respect their boyfriends.
Guy 1: Man, I need a decent girlfriend that actually treats me well.
Guy 2: Then get yourself an Imogen!
Guy 2: Then get yourself an Imogen!
by Bootybabyliciouso April 28, 2010