4 definitions by randomstudent123

One of the four consortiums in Hwa Chong Institution. Usually the smart kids goes there. Often being disliked by students in other consortiums.
John: Hey, look at him! He's so dumb, how is he in iSpark?
by randomstudent123 March 25, 2021
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One of the consortiums in Hwa Chong Institution. Have an advantage in Chinese language. Most of the people are quite friendly but some are kinda childish.
John: When can that Ortus kid grow up? Even if he's good at Chinese, he need to be more mature
by randomstudent123 March 25, 2021
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A measurement of how well you did in exams. Used in Hwa Chong Institution and some other schools.
Hey, this sec 1 got MSG 6.1 eh. Cannot be promoted to sec 2 liao
by randomstudent123 March 25, 2021
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One of the four consortiums in Hwa Chong Institution. Usually being called the dumbest consortium but the people in there have better logic and brains than the people in iSpark.
John: All the logic-releated awards are won by people in ProEd
by randomstudent123 March 25, 2021
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