24 definitions by poontang

A known racist Senator of Virginia and former Governor of Virginia. Allen was well known to keep a hangman's noose prominently displayed in his office (an obvious reference to lynchings). He also prominently flew the Confederate battle flag in front of his house. George Allen tries to pretend he is a good ole boy from Virginia, when he actually was raised in Southern California. He routinely panders to the uneducated, racist rednecks from Southern Virginia.
George Allen? Well he's just a good ole Southern boy.. a Southern California boy.
by poontang October 16, 2006
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A slang term for Rockville, Maryland, a suburb of Washington, DC. It gets this name because of the large number of Chinese immigrants (mainly from Taiwan) in the area. Home to many chinese restaurants and asian supermarkets where many "ricer" cars can be found in the parking lots.
"Damn, Shlomo, it's Christmas and all the restaurants around here are closed; I guess us Jews are gonna have to head to Wokville, Maryland and get some Chinese food."
by poontang June 28, 2006
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A nasty, fat, greasy-haired piece of white trash who shops only at Wal-Mart, and thinks Kathy Lee Gifford Clothes are Haute Couture, and buys everything in jumbo economy sizes. Wal-Farters are most common in Southern US States.
"Did you see that ugly, fat, Wal-Farter heading this way carrying the 100 roll toilet paper economy pack on her head?"
by poontang June 14, 2006
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The AUG. Hip Hop slang for Augusta, Georgia. Home of "The AUG Style" of Hip Hop. Home of Soul Brutha Number One, James Brown.
After we leave The ATL, we gonna be heading to The AUG to hear some nasty AUG Style rhymes.
by poontang October 2, 2006
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ohh look were in eastlake
by poontang March 22, 2004
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(n) A lesbian hippy. Lesbohemians are typically experimental lesbians during college.. and usually go back to men after a while.
Cassandra was a typical Lesbohemian, always wearing Grateful Dead Tshirts, attending anti-war rallies, and eating bearded clams, until after graduation when she grew tired of Seafood and went back to sausage.
by poontang October 18, 2006
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Another name for a barrio. A neighborhood with a large cluster of Hispanic immigrants. Where Beaners live and shop. Where you go to find cheap day labor, eat fish tacos, and buy weed.
I have to finish this deck by this afternoon and I only have $80 and need 10 guys to do the job. I better head down to Beantown.
by poontang September 27, 2006
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