60 definitions by monkey

a bitch ass faggot who thinks he's crazy but ain't and talks a lot of shit behind peoples backs
by monkey January 31, 2004
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university professor who claims omniscience because they spent a metric fuckload of years in school.
Considers themselves academic gods (dieties).
He tries to tell me how to fix his computer, when his degree is in business and my B.S. is in information systems. Fucking phdiety.
by monkey January 28, 2005
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a bum, loser, faggot ,or someone who can't get a girl
man look at this scrub
by monkey January 31, 2004
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"That girl looks like tank drove over her face."

"Yeah, she's a real swamper."
by monkey March 9, 2005
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this is a difficult word to define because what may be flirting to one person may not be to another. i guess, as a verb, it would be defined as intentionally trying to attract the attention of one you "like" using means that could be considered seductive.
'Natalie, u were flirting with him!'
'Nooo...thats just how i normally act. u could definately tell if i was actually flirting with him.'
by monkey February 21, 2005
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