25 definitions by martha

used to desbribe a story or memory where 'you had to be there'...if someone tells a story and thinks its HILARIOUS...but no one else laughs or gets it...because 'you had to be there'...its is meatwad moment
Ryan: "OMG it was so funny...Billy got hit by a car and it was the funniest thing....HAHAHAHHAH **cracking up**"
Martha: "**straight face**...Meatwad?"
Ryan: "ahh yea.....**continues laughing**"
by martha April 17, 2005
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what Tony Montana calls yeyo and most people call cocaine.
by martha March 25, 2004
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name to describe a girl whose breasts jiggle/bounce when she walks, runs, or jumps. (B=boobs...Jigs=Jiggle)
*Me running to the bathroom in the mall with my friend, caroline*
Caroline: "YOU JIGGLE SO MUCH! Imma call you B Jigs"
by martha July 7, 2005
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1. To act like your generation is better than any following.
2. To make fun of all music that was not originated in the 1960s.
3. To sporatically say wise, God-like statements.
Man: A Perfect Circle? What is this? It sucks!!
Girl: Stop your freaking beegin'!
by martha March 19, 2003
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I like to get a hold of some manteca.
by martha March 25, 2004
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Avery means amazing, talented in every way , able to succeed, will go far in life, loves and cares for that one special person, very good at everything she sets her mind to. Avery is a man eater but only has one special guy. Avery is a very loving and caring person. she always knows how to make you feel better. An Avery can put a smile on your face at any given time. Avery is the sweetest person you will ever meet! An Avery is always attractive! She is so cute and most likely has the most adorable laugh! She always knows the right thing to say and can make you feel better with the corniest lines. She treats men right and respects them. An Avery is also quite a funny person, she can make you laugh no matter what. Avery means awesome beyond all measure. If you ever get an Avery don't ever let her go. It will be the biggest mistake you will ever make so don't do it. Love and cherish Avery because she will do the same
That girl is a total Avery <3
by martha April 26, 2013
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The Croatian butter thrust is an ancient sex practice that dates back to 200 A.D., and is a fun alternative to lube as well as a great bonding experience for couples. The first step is for a guy to start having sex with a girl. Right when he is about to cum, he pulls out and shoves a stick of butter up her vagina instead. Then, he proceeds to fuck her with the stick of butter until it melts. Warning: this can sometimes be very messy.
John: bro I gave Maria a Croatian butter thrust last night, it was so intense!

Craig: I wondered why your couch was so oily today!
by martha August 23, 2014
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