25 definitions by martha

An exit interview is the conversation that you have with your boyfriend/girlfriend after you break up. During this conversation you set bounderies for future communication, and you discuss how good or bad the relationship was.
"It's been real, it's been fun, but it hasen't been real fun.." OR "You suck, beat it Corky.."
by martha May 3, 2004
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No kinds, I have to work 12 hours tommorrow. No kinds, let's just go out tonight.
by martha March 25, 2004
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a word used to enhance whatever it is describing. it can be used as an adjective or an adverb. it's commonly used in new england states, except for western connecticut.
"that car is wicked fast"
"he was wicked hot"
by martha March 5, 2005
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noun: a person who is "on someones dick/tit" meaning, they always follow someone around and it seems like there is a perpetual one inch string attached from the person...

buttery, adjective: having the characteristic of a butters
noun--Heather always follows me around, she is butters.

adjective--Sometimes she is very buttery and it pisses me off
by martha April 17, 2005
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someone who is always asking people for money, food, clothes, anything that is easily accessible...but they are too lazy to get it themselves...also known as a scavenger
Heather: "Can I borrow 50 cents?"
Me: *coughscrappercough*
by martha April 17, 2005
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A store that sells a certain type of clothing. It cannot control the type of people that shop there. It's actually a pretty reliable place to get some good stuff. (in my opinion) It's not unorigional of course because it IS a popular store afterall. But is that really Hot Topics fault? I think people shouldn't insult such a thing. It's prices may be high but hey, everythings overpriced. Those bastards.
Poser #1: Hey guys, let's all go to hot topic because all the punks shop there!
Poser #2: Hey guys, let's all hate hot topic because all the posers shop there!
Normal Person #1: Hey guys, let's go to Hot Topic because i like the stuff they sell
Normal Person #2: Hey guys, let's not go to hot topic because i hate the stuff they sell.
by martha May 28, 2004
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