13 definitions by lynnpd99


The act of searching the internet hoping to see information about the actor Stephen Moyer and deriving sexual enjoyment and gratification.
I felt like a voyeur as I performed my "daily moyerism" of surfing the internet to find photos of Stephen Moyer.
by lynnpd99 February 28, 2009
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A public officer authorized to hear and adjudicate all cases concerning vampire transgressions at a vampire tribunal.
The Majester, while he was deciding his fate, told the vampire defendant to "back his shit down" when he attempted to interrupt him.
by lynnpd99 February 28, 2009
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When several vampires live together it is called sharing a nest. When vampires share nest they become more cruel and more unlike humans.
Malcolm, Liam and Diane shared a vampire nest and, as a result, were known to be more cruel and mean then other vampires.
by lynnpd99 March 3, 2009
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When several vampires live together it is called sharing a nest. When vampires share nests they become more cruel and unlike humans.
Malcolm, Liam and Diane shared a vampire nest and, as a result, were known to be more cruel and mean then other vampires. (characters from True Blood)
by lynnpd99 March 2, 2009
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A human who enjoys having have sex with and allows vampires to drink their blood.
Gran asked what a fangbanger was and Sookie explained that it is a human who allows vampires to drink their blood and enjoys having sex with them, sometimes for money.
(characters in True Blood)
by lynnpd99 March 2, 2009
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While being able to attract men, the inability to keep them as a boyfriend.
Even though Tara likes Sam she couldn't help but antagonize him and treat him in such a way that makes their relationship impossible. With this behavior, she is definitely "unboyfriendable".
by lynnpd99 February 28, 2009
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The act performed by a vampire to hypnotize humans into submission so they can drink their blood or have control over them.
Bill turned and looked at him in such a way that the policeman became fixed and mesmerized by his stare. Bill had achieved the glamouring and then proceeded to take his gun.
by lynnpd99 February 28, 2009
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