393 definitions by justin

A somewhat derogitive term used for Mercenaries, or soldiers for hire. Generally describes ex-soldiers and/or combat experts that offer either direct service or military training in exchange for currency.

Such individuals have been employed; as a supplemental force to the U.S. Military in Iraq and Aghanistan, to train Military and Terrorist groups alike, and in some cases to engage in military actions that a country's own military cannot, as was the case in Rwanda.

Such individuals or groups can employ their skills for good(as in Rwanda), or bad(as in training Al Qaeda recruits).
by justin July 17, 2005
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Candy that can be bought for 1 cent. Usualy found at corner stores and is becoming less and less available.
Johnny: I have one dollar.
Susie: What will you spend it on?
Johnny: 100 pieces of Penny Candy.
by justin November 2, 2003
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originating from Sexy Tigerish, it is usually used to define anything that is incredibly attractive or Sexified
by justin October 11, 2004
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a fucktard who doesnt know shit, a shitty leader and a disgrace to the human race
by justin March 18, 2005
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Some one who is into thier school and self appearnce. Many people dont like them and envy them, but true preps can care lass what the lessers think of them. Preps generaly wear Abercrombie and Fitch,Hollister,RUEHL NO.925,American Eagle,Lacoste,Polo,Benneton.Preps are generaly known as the opppsites of goths or punks and often the urban look(FUBU, Sean John, ect.)
Preps usaly have wealthy or atleast comfortable families and they usaly go to collage. After all the word prep derives from prepatory school( a school preparing its students for collage)
Goth- I hate those stupid preppies.
Prep-Whats a goth? I have to go study and then im going to a keg party.
by justin February 22, 2005
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Where (|) represents the whole ass, ( represents a POA.
gigglygirl2323: OMG 11!!!1 WTF HA IS SO HOT!11! OMG LOL I WANT 2 HAEV HIS BABEIS AL TEH TIEM1!!1!1 LOL

gigglyfriend3333: he is. (
by justin February 26, 2004
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