15 definitions by jrcdmc

A credit card used to run up debt which is then assumed by another. Typically obtained either by college students or Southern European nations.
College Student #1 "I'm tapped out & have no money to shop and party."

College Student #2 "Well, you need a Greek credit card."

months later...

Parent "I just got your credit card bill in the mail. You need to go get a job because I'm not paying this!"

College Student #1 "Geez, don't be so German!"
by jrcdmc June 20, 2011
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Any text originating from or ending in the city of Los Angeles.
Latext me your arrival time to LAX.
by jrcdmc June 19, 2011
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Any text sent or received with rubber as a central theme.
My friend from Thailand sent a latext to his customer at Goodyear saying that the spot market price of rubber had been bouncing around all day.
by jrcdmc June 19, 2011
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the act of sending a text with condoms as a central theme.
My booty call demanded that I put on a jacket, so I had to do some quick latexting to the local pharma to find out if they were open.
by jrcdmc June 19, 2011
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Not putting much thought into a text. eg: lazy texting
My thumbs were SOOOO tired, all I could manage was feeble latexting.
by jrcdmc June 19, 2011
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Follower of the leader known as Rahm Emanuel, mayor of the City of Chicago. Much like Star Trek Romulans, a Rahmulan can sometimes be aggressive.
I used to work for da Mayor, but I'm now a devoted Rahmulan.
by jrcdmc June 20, 2011
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Pessimistic, evil, and/or negative rhetoric that is devoid of any of the classical logos, pathos, or even ethos factors of good oratorical delivery. Devoid of any redeeming qualities, horroratory sells fear like a bad 1950s era Hollywood B- drive-in horror flick.
Did you see the 2016 Republican National Convention? Every speech was a horroratory, but Donald Trump gave a Trump University Speech 101 quality horroratorical address.
by jrcdmc July 26, 2016
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