24 definitions by jiggaman

Sex game, based on accuracy. The man covers his eyes using his hand or blindfold and attempt to jack off into the mouth of the woman.
3pts are gain for a throat shot, 2pts for a lip shot and 1pt for a face shot.

Warning: Can cause blindness!
Katie, grab the blindfold, i wanna have a blind mans wank
by jiggaman April 14, 2005
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When a persons shits themselves due to no availible toilet resources. The sheer mass of shit combined with heat means the shit turns into a cement which not only cements your pants to your arse but the sheer weight means it feels like they are carrying cement.
Helen: Hurry up Bill why are you walking so slow?
Bill: Sorry, i'm carrying a little more weight down below and have a severe case of cement pants.
by jiggaman April 14, 2005
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A disgusting shriveled shit look a like, which burries itself in the sand in the olden times and would grant wishes.
Gareth: That old man has very wrinkly skin and i bet he smells of shit.
Tim: I would say he is the actual Samiad.
by jiggaman April 14, 2005
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Founding Member of the Harlem Diplomats (Dipset Byrdgang).
Human Crack in the flesh.
Santana the Great.
Prince of New York.
Harlems Gangsta.
Ay yo, Juelz Santana is bananas. That new Dipset joint is off the hook.
by jiggaman April 12, 2005
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The red arse, slow, saddle sore walk you do after a raping
He took such a fat beating on Halo2, he's gunna be walking like john wayne
by jiggaman April 14, 2005
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Carnival Folk, one with small hands and freakish appearance to be laughed at by normal people
Look at you, you carny bastard
by jiggaman April 12, 2005
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an asian diluted by his generation who loses all ties with his origin and becomes a dkhed.
noticed by long hair copper highlights and dont know their asian language, hindi, urdu , punjabi or gujrati
act like prcks and are the scum of the earth to all asians(COCUNUTS MAINLY COMPRISE OF HINDUS...ABOUT 99.6%)
Avi is the king of all cocunuts
that idiot needs to be slapped up...man came to my house and said he loved the beryani and samasas
by jiggaman March 29, 2005
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