a dead rat not some boring alive rat
dood 1 hey was ur fav animal dood 2 a dead rat
by corvus x3 October 3, 2021
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The act of pressing one's penis against a window. The slightly flattened penis gives those on the other side of the window a visual of a "dead rat". This act is particularly entertaining while walking by a bar with floor to ceiling windows on a busy weekend evening.
Man was he hammered! I can't believe he dropped a dead rat on that bar!
by The Donkey Puncher November 7, 2006
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when a male sticks his penis in between his legs and bends over to show the "rat" in his ass. a backwards mangina.
"Hey! Luke just showed Luke G the dead rat."
by Zach February 21, 2005
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So here I am, having bought here drinks all night. We gets back to my place and I find out she's got a 'Dead Rat' inside her.
by Valetudo March 26, 2004
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Somebody who do anything the day, everyday. antisocial but friendly. Deadrat is not an insult.
to be bored to death like a dead rat.
by deadrat February 5, 2007
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Jimmy the Dead rat is a large late rodent, known for his ravishing humour and exquisite style.
Fellow 1: Good day monsieur
2nd lad: Hello, fine fellow. May I interest you in our late lord and savior Jimmy?
Fellow 1: The dead rat?
Passing enby: ah yes, salutations to jimmy
Everyone in chorus: Jimmy, please bless our humble abodes
Timothy, in the distance: And my mansion!
Everyone in chorus: f@#k you Timothy
by slink0us January 8, 2022
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