35 definitions by jevanyn

adj. Abstract, minimalist. From the poet of the same name.

Credit: Robin Grasby via Mocoloco
Ikea furniture: veehee. Louis Catorze, not so much
by jevanyn October 15, 2009
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an urge or compulsion to play FarmVille or other game with a farming game mechanic.

Can also refer to someone who is addicted to farming games.
Abel: I need to get into Plants vs. Zombies and water my plants.
Baker: Nice farmer jones you have there.
by jevanyn April 26, 2011
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To forget hearing something, usually disgusting, offensive, disturbing, or just plain fucked up.
Thank you for sharing all the gory details. I can now never unhear any of it.
by jevanyn October 19, 2009
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Short/txt for "not to be too technical". Used either sincerely, as an apology for a long geeky explanation, or sarcastically when an apology is deliberately non-techie.
Able: I lost all my bookmarks when my phone updated itself.
Baker: (long, techie explanation of how to restore the bookmarks file)
Baker: N2B2T
Able: NP I can do that THX
by jevanyn March 29, 2011
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Expression used among drag queens in reference to their clothing covering up their junk.

-- from Project Runway
One of my favorite accessories is this wide flowered belt; it's very flashy, and it will also hide the candy.
-- from Project Runway
by jevanyn October 19, 2009
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adjective: tending to express one's point of view, esp. political, when it is not desired or appropriate.
Honey, I know you got into an argument about gay marriage the last time we had dinner with the Hendersons. I'd appreciate it if you weren't so assholitical this evening, mkay?
by jevanyn August 28, 2009
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Activist/environmentalist, specifically who acts against whale hunting. From "tree hugger", but for whales.
Blubber huggers stop a whale hunt, details at eleven!
by jevanyn February 17, 2011
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