40 definitions by hugebreasticle

Luis: What are you doing?
Davo: Ah'm drawring a pictcha, bitch. Hand check!
by hugebreasticle April 3, 2005
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The "lady-like" way to refer to the breasts, one of many "fun parts" on a woman.
I'm the only girl on that list; If anyone has a treasure chest, it's me!
by hugebreasticle April 7, 2005
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An alternative for the term "report card." It's funny because the acronym is "ASS."
Luis: Did you get your Academic Specifications Sheet in the mail yet, Agent 2.0?
Bobby Evans: Quiet, nicca!
by hugebreasticle May 8, 2005
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A modified form of "fantastic" that injects the word "ass" to reverse the meaning. Asstastic refers to something that sucks or is of poor quality.
Davo: That pizza was asstastic!
Luis: Yeah, holmes, it tasted like bum!
by hugebreasticle March 19, 2005
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A phrase used when referring to a comment that may not be accurate.
Luis: The ride back from Wendy's was uneventful. In fact, we got back early.
Bobby Evans: Whoa, that must have been in the DVD Alternate Ending - Remember the Border Police?
by hugebreasticle May 8, 2005
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