40 definitions by hugebreasticle

A sex party in which the participants become aroused by defecating on one another.
Davo: Rick Hammon invited me to his poopie party! I hope I get the chance to drop some fresh pooding all over my little Ricky!
Luis: I bet you would, holmes.
Davo: Actually, I really would.
Bobby Evans: BURN ALMIGHTY!!!!11
by hugebreasticle April 4, 2005
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1) The liquid that accompanies a douche bag.
2) An alternate way to call someone a douche bag. The insulter simply implies that the insultee has consumed the douche bag liquid.
Bobby Evans: Pancake cock.
Luis: You're full of douche juice, fag.
by hugebreasticle April 3, 2005
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A word that can be used as an odd interjection and/or a way to change subjects.
Luis: I saw this fine chica in the mall and-
Davo: Meanwhile! Dah, dah-dah, dah!
Bobby Evans: Luis is a nicca.
by hugebreasticle April 30, 2005
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"Hand checks" occur when a Mexican, typically a Luis, has had his or her hand or hands in his or her pants for an elongated amount of time. By screaming "hand check," the Mexican is forced to immediately remove his or her hands to show that no masturbation has taken place.
Davo: Hey, get your hands out of there! Hand check!
Luis, the Mexican, removes his hands from his pants.
Davo: What's that gooey yellow stuff?
by hugebreasticle March 24, 2005
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An alternative for the phrases "Mix it up" or "Switch it up." This phrase refers to the Twix commercials, which advised the viewer to "Twix up" their lives. (This was accomplished by consuming Twix candy bars.)
Luis: For tonight's Mexican Donut, I'm going to go counter-clockwise.
Davo: Hahaha, Twixing it up, eh?
Luis: Yeah, B!
by hugebreasticle April 4, 2005
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An alternate term for the genitals of a man or woman. It is commonly used during a greeting.

A lesson in greeting:
1. If you are greeting a man, you inquire about his chimpo.
2. If you are greeting a woman, you inquire about her cooter.
3. If you are unsure of the gender of the person you are addressing, or are not familiar enough with the individual, you inquire about his or her front butt.
4. If you are the one being greeted, you simply say "fine," "good," "a little itchy," "bleeding," or "irritated."
Luis: Hello Davo, how is your front butt?
Davo: Quite good, thank you.
by hugebreasticle March 13, 2005
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Luis: What are you doing?
Davo: Ah'm drawring a pictcha, bitch. Hand check!
by hugebreasticle April 3, 2005
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