40 definitions by hugebreasticle

The greatest computer game ever created. The basic premise is that you, Postal Dude, must complete a series of tasks while opting to be non-violent or exceptionally aggressive. During your various quests, you can do a variety of things, such as peeing on people, blowing the heads off of pedestrians, putting cats on the tips of shotguns and firing, shocking individuals (Causing them to piss themselves uncontrollably.), and generally create a state of emergency. The overly-hesitant police are powerless against you and your arsenal. In addition, the game endorses cruelty to animals, allowing you to blow dogs to pieces and mutilate cats. You even have the option of training an attack dog of your own. Players have the ability to commit suicide in crowded areas, as well. The possibilities are endless with Postal 2, making it a joy to play if you feel like having your soul ripped out of your body and pulled into the computer screen. It's a small price to pay when you have the option of playing such a wonderful masterpiece.

Postal 2 is a Davo's favorite game.
Luis: Are you playing Postal 2: Share the Pain again? Get a life!
Davo: Go to hell, Mexican! This is my favorite game!
by hugebreasticle March 17, 2005
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When a man attempts to gain the attention of women by dressing well and smelling good.
Did you see Pumster today? He was mack daddy'n.
by hugebreasticle September 11, 2005
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An American Life Insurance company that has a line of commercials featuring a duck that mysteriously acquires the abnormally-loud voice of Gilbert Godfried. The unnamed duck can only say the name of the Life Insurance company he, for some unexplained reason, endorses: "Aflac." The duck has the ability to appear anywhere in the world where a Life Insurance-related conversation is taking place. However, no human can actually hear his "advice."
Davo: Now, act like a duck!
Luis: Aflac!
by hugebreasticle April 10, 2005
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A phrase that refers to an old joke. The "Season" depends on the year of high school or college. For example, "Season 1" refers to one's Freshmen year while "Season 2" represents the Sophomore year. The term "angle," mostly used in a media-based context, refers to the direction a particular joke utilizes.
Davo: Hey, I'm out of ideas; can't we just make fun of Dan the Man's buggil dash?
Pumster: Nah, that's more of a Season 2 angle.
by hugebreasticle May 14, 2005
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The phrase itself can be used as a noun, verb, or adjective, and defines something that is very obviously forcing an image onto its observer. This can be presented in a number of ways, including:

1) A person trying to convey an image that is unlike his or her actual self typically through large amounts of makeup.

2) Something, such as a television show, attempting to mimic a more popular counterpart.
Amy is a Trying Too Hard; She's wearing a shirt meant for a 15-year old. It's too bad she's very obviously in her 40's.

Adam is Trying Too Hard to convince us that he's slept with Amy, the class whore.

Mission Hill is Trying Too Hard to be King of the Hill, as evidenced by its very title.
by hugebreasticle February 18, 2009
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Ninja tight deathgrip's, or NTD's, occur when some gangsta azz wigga azz mofo ninja puts his hand near a fatal area and squeezes, preventing any possible escape. Possible areas of attack include the neck, general chest area (GCA), or chimpo/cooter/front butt. Typically, ninja's do not attempt this attack on themselves. The only known ways to escape are: 1) Having a nearby ally immediately kill the ninja or 2) simply allowing the ninja to kill you.
Luis: That gangsta azz wigga azz mofo ninja's got Davo in a Ninja Tight Deathgrip!!!1 Should we help?
Bobby Evans: No, we suck; let him die.
by hugebreasticle March 21, 2005
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A goth's virtual paradise. Human dignity is not an issue on this website: Users are free to obtain grotesque pictures showing the remains of individuals after being run over by a tank, genitals being mutilated, and various other original photos that involve being shocking the viewer beyond comprehension.
Davo: Get off that website, homie! You is siiiiiick!
Bobby Evans: Yo, Goregasm keeps it reeeal!
by hugebreasticle March 17, 2005
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