40 definitions by HugeBreasticle

A United States rating standard used to rank the content of television programs. TV-14 signifies content suited for ages 14 and up.
This term can be used to give a content rating of actual conversations and actions, as well.
Bobby Evans: So, what are you guys doing tonight?
Davo: You know, TV-14 stuff, and you're not invited.
by HugeBreasticle March 31, 2005
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A United States rating standard used to rank the content of television programs. TV-14 signifies content suited for ages 14 and up.
This term can be used to give a content rating of actual conversations and actions, as well.
Bobby Evans: So, we are you guys doing tonight?
Davo: You know, TV-14 stuff, and you're not invited.
by HugeBreasticle March 29, 2005
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When two people mutually decide to play Guitar Hero with one guitar controller. In this situation, one person takes one set of buttons on the controller while the other takes the rest. This is done to enhance performance, but, due to a lack of unison and timing, this configuration typically results in failure.
Dude #1: Ok, you take green to yellow, and I'll handle blue and orange.
Dude #2: Mutual masturbation sucks, let's just go jack off together.
Dude #1: After More Than a Feeling, bitch!
by HugeBreasticle March 15, 2007
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The "lady-like" way to refer to a vagina, one of many "fun parts" on a woman.
Davo: Hey Luis, can I inject this into your peach ring?
Luis: Sure! We'll make it today's Double Dare Physical Challenge!
by HugeBreasticle March 31, 2005
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A term that replaces "explode." Based on a King of the Hill episode where Hank Hill must tutor a football player from the local school. In his essay about propane, the student thanks God for not being "esploded."
"I thank God for every day I don't get esploded."
by HugeBreasticle March 3, 2006
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When something is both cheesy and dangerous. Refers to the Cheetos commercials starring the lovable Chester Cheetah, which promoted snacks that were "dangerously cheesy."
Bobby Evans: Then the redneck dad goes "Oh, that's right, I let your brother borrow the truck."
Davo: That joke was so cheesy.
Bobby Evans: Dangerously cheesy.
by HugeBreasticle April 2, 2005
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When a Mexican, usually a Luis, masturbates, putting his thumb on the rim of his penis' foreskin (or, in some cases, fiveskin) and goes in a circular motion until ejaculating.
Luis: Dios mio! Mi foreskin es rojo!
Davo: Well, stop doing all those damn Mexican Donuts!
Pumster: Formaggio nei pantaloni!
by HugeBreasticle April 4, 2005
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