29 definitions by gtbarry


short form of the word connections
Dan has major connects back East where he grew up.
by gtbarry October 7, 2008
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Someone who can stay up and party all night long and then wake up and take care of business in the morning.
Dude, I was partying HARD until four in the morning but showered and went to work for an eight o'clock meeting - cause I'm a rockstar.
by gtbarry January 7, 2009
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Someone who can stay up and party all night long and wake up and take care of business in the morning.
Dude, I was partying HARD until four in the morning but showered and went to work for an eight o'clock meeting - cause I'm a rockstar.
by gtbarry October 2, 2008
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Someone who is obsessed with always being connected and up-to-date. Obsessive checking of email and blackberry usage and searching for wi-fi signals are good indicators.
My friend Dan is an Info Nympho. He always has his bluetooth in his ear and is constantly on his blackberry.
by gtbarry October 4, 2008
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An energy vampire (or more commonly known as an "energy vamp") is a person that feeds off the life force or energy (or ch'i) of other living creatures - mostly other people. Can also be known as pranic vampire, empathic vampire, energy predator, psy-vamp, energy parasite, emotional vampire or one of my ex-girlfriends.

Basically, anyone who sucks the energy out of a room or removes (feeds from) the energy of others.

see also:
- Succubus or Incubus of Judeo-Christian mythology.
Dan is back to his old self now that he has broken it off with that energy vamp, Michelle, he dating that sucked his life force from him and drained the fun out of every room she entered.
by gtbarry March 23, 2009
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Being treated as if you were a boyfriend in all the emotional ways, but not in the physical ways
Dan is now boyfriend without benefits with Michelle since she decided they should stop dating and be "just friends."
by gtbarry October 31, 2007
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How a real man spells kommitment ("commitment" for all you female readers)
Michelle wanted to take her relationship with Dan to the next level, but Dan is totals scared of kommitment and refused.
by gtbarry September 21, 2008
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