260 definitions by gregben

Me: How much are these tickets worth?
You: A sexadollar.
Me: What does that mean?
You: It's 69 dollars.
by gregben September 18, 2023
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Anasthesia for your anus.
It's poured onto your anus and puts you to sleep so you can get anally fucked or raped without even knowing.
You: You just had anal sex.
Me: I didn't know that.
You: You were given anusthesia.
Me: Wow.
by gregben August 20, 2023
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The greatest Greek cumposer that ever lived.
His music was arousing, with new age, jizz, erectronic, opera, classical, and folk.
He was best known for the score of the porno Chariots of Fire.
by gregben August 27, 2022
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A Death Star style space station formed by the collision of the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) V-Chip (which censored programs such as The Pimpsons and Assarama for example) and USAF (United States Air Force) Flying Destiny (both of which launched into orbit in 1998).

It had the power to censor indecent planets by spitting black goo which caused them to implode, all as a form of censorship.

Poopiter, Planet XXX, and that world that can't be mentioned in polite company (or better known as #!@€$!#%&) were the V-Giny’s victim planets.

The V-Giny only spared planets that are approved for all audiences.
Leela: Fry’s ship is heading for that small moon.

Fry: That’s no moon, that’s a space station.
Leela: What are those huge letters?
Zapp Brannigan: V-Giny? Doesn’t ring a bell.
Professor Hubert Farnsworth: I don’t like the looks of this V-Giny.
V-Giny: People of Earth, hear the righteous word of the Mighty V-GINY!

by gregben July 5, 2021
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A Death Star style space station formed by the collision of the V-Chip (which censored inappropriate programs such as The Pimpsons and Assarama) and USAF Flying Destiny (both of which launched into orbit in 1998).

It had the power to censor indecent planets by spitting black goo which caused them to implode, all as a form of censorship.

Poopiter, Planet XXX, and that world that can't be mentioned in polite company (or better known as #!@€$!#%&).

The V-Giny only spared planets that are approved for all audiences.
Leela: Fry’s ship is heading for that small moon.
Zap Brannigan: That’s no moon. That’s a space station.
Leela: Oh I see. It’s the V-Giny.
V-Giny: People of Earth, hear the righteous word of the Mighty V-GINY!
by gregben July 5, 2021
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When Billie Eilish’s song not only makes you Happier Than Ever, but it makes you so excited that you wanna fap as it plays.

It starts out light enough but grows into a sound of cock n roll pleasure so powerful you wanna fap to the beat and let out some of your biggest moans.
Ben: Billie’s new song makes me feel fappier than ever, I love it.
Gregory: Me too.
by gregben February 27, 2022
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