10 definitions by fullbodyphallo

A term used on 4chan's /lgbt/ board to refer to a trans person who transitioned in a range between that of a youngshit and an oldshit. The age range for this varies, but is generally between the ages of 18 and 25. Most midshits are too old to pass without surgery, but still have passing potential given enough time on hormones and potential surgical intervention.
Alice, in typical midshit fashion, simultaneously hates youngshits for being lucky enough to transition early and oldshits for existing in public.
by fullbodyphallo October 1, 2022
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A term used to describe someone who is both transmasculine and a femboy.
Kai (an FTFemboy) hated wearing skirts pre-transition, but when he began to pass as male, he started to appreciate them more now that they made him come across as a femboy.
by fullbodyphallo October 1, 2022
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A term used on 4chan's /lgbt/ board used to refer to masochistic emasculation fetishists, or men who take pleasure in being humiliated by being feminized. See sissy fetishists.
Even though Alice was insecure about her hairline, she refused to wear a wig as she did not want to be confused for an MEF.
by fullbodyphallo October 1, 2022
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"i will never be a woman"
common on 4chan's /lgbt/ board and related communities
compare with ywnbaw
by fullbodyphallo February 21, 2023
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A term used on 4chan's /lgbt/ board to refer to the technique of deliberately gaining weight in order to soften one's bone structure or accentuate features such as hips in the hopes that it will improve passing chances, a process typically (but not exclusively) undertaken by transfeminine individuals.
I thought my shoulder-to-hip ratio was going to be the death of me as far as passing goes but after fatmaxxing my hips have filled out enough to where it isn't an issue anymore.
by fullbodyphallo October 1, 2022
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A derogatory term used on 4chan's /lgbt/ board to refer to a subtype of nonpassing trans women who transitioned later in life, typically baby boomers. Boomerhons are (stereotypically) generally either autogynephilic or sissy fetishists and come across as caricatures of women on account of being oblivious to how they are perceived.
Does that boomerhon over there think we can't tell she's wearing a breast mold and a wig?
by fullbodyphallo October 1, 2022
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A term used on 4chan's /lgbt/ board to refer to the information that one will not pass as the gender they identify as on account of their bone structure. Individual bonepills include comparisons between male and female Q angles, skull size measurements, ribcage measurements, and other sexually dimorphic skeletal features.
I was considering facial feminization surgery until I took the bonepill and realized that my skull was too large to ever pass as female.
by fullbodyphallo October 1, 2022
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