23 definitions by fuckup, screwed, fucked, gawd, shit

A Black African American person who, because he/she has the desire to make a success of their life, has gained the wrath of foolish Black African Americans who have decided to make a shambles of their own. Often OREO's are educated, intelligent, and the respect of the business community. Thus, in the eyes of the dominant Black African American community, they are "guilty" of being "White" on the inside.
Leroy: Damn, Rastus. That nigga Raymond has hisself a BMW, a fine home and an upper management career with a Fortune 500 company... let's pop a cap in that muthafuckin' oreo and steal his car!

Rastus: Uh... what does Fortune 500 mean?
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A gigantic cluster fuck... but not in a military sense.

A huge fuck-up of epic proportions of some sort or another and its ensuing calamity. As in, the person or normal situation you were supposed to be a part of is now so totally screwed up as to turn the entire scenario into a farce; or something that could end up in you going to either jail or losing your profession.
Holy shit... I went into the office today, and I was fully unprepared for the ensuing shitstorm. This client was so fucked up, I couldn't believe that I was actually part of this human tragedy. I think I will give up finance and take up digging ditches.
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Any chronically debilitated patient, (usually not able to communicate due to stroke or coma) admitted to the hospital that has little or no hope for recovery. They are literally sent there so that family members can presume to live without "the guilt" of letting their loved one die with the least bit of human dignity. As a result, these poor souls die a slow, pitiful death, out of sight from their family because their family doesn't have the seeds to "pull the plug".

Literally: Get Outta My E. R.
Aunt Hazel is a gomer over at St. Vincents... her family would rather let her rot slowly in the hospital than let her die with dignity.
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What violent, unemployed hooligans on the European continent drink: a mix of cider or lager and banana liquour. It is a horrid conconction that no normal person would ever dream of drinking. It is a favorite of skinheads and other slackers.
The young, unemployed German man spent his entire morning drinking diesels, then he joined up with his friends to rob and beat some law-abiding elderly citizens.
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Sunflower seeds. So named for what you do with the shell after you injest them.
Hey buddy. Pass me that bag of spitties, will ya?
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A cleverly disguised shopping bag that is lined in some manner with aluminum foil so that it renders electronic shoplifting sensors useless. Used by shoplifters to secret their ill-gotten goods out of the store unnoticed.
Q. Dude! How in the heck did you lift those 14 pairs of jeans?

A> I just dropped them in my booster bag and walked out the front of the store!
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The visual sight of swirling beer cans and trash in the back of a pick up while traveling down a roadway.

Created by the vortex (draft) coming over the top of a pickup into the bed. The vortex creates a swirling tornado of debris that soon flies out of the bed and litters the highway with garbage.
Joe Bob created quite the visual as all the crap in the back of his pickup created a Texas tornado while traveling up Interstate 45.
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