34 definitions by etchasketch

abstinence, or just not having sex. usually until you're married.
by etchasketch October 28, 2003
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a borderline un-genred unknown-by-many band from utah that first came out into the mainstream public in summer of 2002, with lyrics about past experiences, love/relationships, rocky friendships, etc. they kick so much ass is all you have to know. buy the cd, bitch.
by etchasketch October 23, 2003
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is like rad but not. same concept, but you're saying the "radocity of something was so high...". meaning that whatever sentence you may stick in there means you're judging the "coolness" level of something as being very high. yep.
"you rock the radocity of the world"
by etchasketch November 17, 2003
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musical performers whose group name has the word "the" in front of some significant (?) word. popular from the 60s and 70s, used now as a pathetic heroic comeback.
by etchasketch January 7, 2004
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