34 definitions by etchasketch

when bad people put bad things into your food and make you sick
"i called in sick because of food poisoning"
by etchasketch November 23, 2003
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random sometimes neon-colored gadgets that make any form of sense a little more interesting
by etchasketch October 22, 2003
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a fruit, not a vegetable. plural is "tomatoes"
"tomatoes are my friends, and my friends' friends"
by etchasketch November 17, 2003
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meaning of life when the original hosts adam & jimmy were still on..think sexist terms illustrated by naked blondes humping a giant penis
by etchasketch October 22, 2003
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paintshop pro, an image creating and editing program produced by jasc that is used professionally or just for the hell of it to (usually) make website layouts.
most everyone has it, but the question is do they know how to use it?
by etchasketch January 6, 2004
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