30 definitions by dilbert scrunchie

(UK) upper-class plural of poof
ooh my gawd! that place was full of pooves
by dilbert scrunchie June 20, 2003
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young boy (usually) gay who wears dirty trackies, baseball cap, worn trainers, often untidy, a rascal or a little scamp
you sexy little scally
by dilbert scrunchie June 20, 2003
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(esp. in Scouse) person from North Wales
(pos orig from Welsh "goggledd" = North)
the pub was full of fuckin Gogs
by dilbert scrunchie June 20, 2003
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prisoner as in "old lag"
Big Len was an old lag out a' the Srubs
by dilbert scrunchie June 20, 2003
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a tedious exploit, waste of time or otherwise disappointing activity
going to that club was complete arse-wank
by dilbert scrunchie June 11, 2003
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