23 definitions by dennis scott

The tapping of someone's shoulder, from the opposite direction of the shoulder that was tapped, with the intention of confusing the tapee who is unaware of who has tapped him....aka shoulder fake-out
Hutch: Sonny-Bill, did you just tap me on the shoulder?
Sonny-Bill: No Hutch i didn't, must have been someone else...
Hutch: Ahhhh.....that't the third mloke i've fallen for today
by dennis scott October 10, 2003
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A practical joke played on msn messenger. Involves opening a message window with an online contact, and before saying anything to them inviting someone else into the conversation. It is recommended that you then change your name so as not to be discovered, type a quick discreet message, leave the conversation and return to your previous name. This will leave the two members of that conversation forced to talk to eachother in a usually awkward moment.
Hutch: bye (leaves conversation)
Sonny-Bill: huh?
Jamal: whos this?
Sonny-Bill: ....umm....hi
by dennis scott October 10, 2003
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A moment during a large function, in which there is one primary speaker, where numerous watches or personal timekeepers beep to signal the passing of another hour at the same time
Hutch: How'd you go in your speech this morning?
Sonny-Bill: Mate, i was going great until this massive chronopolypse, completely put me off!
by dennis scott September 23, 2003
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A piece of sticky tape that has collected dust, or other small foreign objects, and thus become stickyless and unusable
Hutch: Sonny...what's with this sticky tape you gave me? it doesnt work!
Sonny-Bill: Ahh i dropped it, its distape now
by dennis scott October 10, 2003
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When you are walking with a person, usually in a crowd or with other people around, and you semi-turn and start to say something to them, only to realise they are either not there or someone else is instead. Leads to an often embarrasing cover-up or apology.
Hutch: Well Sonny I says I says....by the way did you.....
Random: what?
Hutch: Oh....sorry....i thought you were someone else.....just a geverette sorry
by dennis scott October 13, 2003
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The repetition of a joke, 'call' or story just made or told, without knowledge of this, while others around are aware of its repetition, usually resulting in the slandering of the offender
Hutch: So i says i says....you'd almost think he was from Bendigo
Surrounding People: Hahahaha.....chortle chortle
Sonny-Bill: Hey guys, did you see that guy? You'd think he was from Bendigo! (smiles quietly to himself)
Surrounding People: ....(silence)....
Hutch: Sonny....massive speal mate....whaaat are you dooooiiiing??
by dennis scott October 10, 2003
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When one pokes a cooking utensil into a sausage during the culinary process known as a barbeque, thus causing its contents to recalibrate into a form unrecognisable to its original shape.
Sonny Bill: Oh deadset that's the worst schnasm I've ever seen.
Hutch: Calm down, I had to use a plastic fork.
by dennis scott April 12, 2004
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