by no hay problema February 29, 2004
by IkeM October 20, 2003
A word used when a person is unable to think of real words in order to descibe a mood where a person is uncooperative or refusing all directions given.
by yourpalal July 10, 2010
The best hardcore band ever. Just listen to Rather Be Dead or Liberation Frequency. Probably the best thing to come out of sweden.
by Hej! July 14, 2011
Who I believe to be one of the greatest hardcore/punk bands ever. If you say that you know music and dont know Refused, you are lying. Though they are know disbanded, this band will live forever through their masterpiece "The Shape Of Punk To Come".
by UnstableVagrant May 23, 2004
1. to decline to accept; reject
a. to decline to do, give, or grant
b. to decline: with an infinitive object: to refuse to go
a. to decline to accept or submit to (a command, etc.); decline to undergo
b. to decline to grant the request of (a person)
4. to stop short at (a fence, etc.), without jumping it: said of a horse
5. Obsolete to renounce
6. anything thrown away or rejected as worthless or useless; waste; trash; rubbish
a. to decline to do, give, or grant
b. to decline: with an infinitive object: to refuse to go
a. to decline to accept or submit to (a command, etc.); decline to undergo
b. to decline to grant the request of (a person)
4. to stop short at (a fence, etc.), without jumping it: said of a horse
5. Obsolete to renounce
6. anything thrown away or rejected as worthless or useless; waste; trash; rubbish
I am an invisible man. No, I am not a spook like those who haunted Edgar Allen Poe; nor am I one of your Hollywood-movie ectoplasms. I am a man of substance, of flesh and bone, fibre and liquids, and I might even be said to possess a mind. I am invisible, understand, simply because people refuse to see me. When they approach me they see only my surroundings, themselves, or figments of their imagination, indeed, everything and anything except me.
-Ellison, Ralph Waldo
Invisible Man, prologue.
The vital accessories to my work are my reference books, such as the complete Shakespeare and a prayer book, and a large refuse bin.
-Bainbridge, Dame Beryl Margaret
In The Guardian, 8 Aug.
-Ellison, Ralph Waldo
Invisible Man, prologue.
The vital accessories to my work are my reference books, such as the complete Shakespeare and a prayer book, and a large refuse bin.
-Bainbridge, Dame Beryl Margaret
In The Guardian, 8 Aug.
by kenobi1985 December 29, 2011
by firnherder October 16, 2013