687 definitions by daN

Given to describe a low powered motorcycle, such as a moped or minimoto.

It is unknown where this term came from.
"Give us a go on that razzer"
by daN April 7, 2005
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A ducktard is basically a fucktard, excpet that you get a pretty funny visual after calling them a ducktard.
You are a ducktard. (Then you snicker to yourself the immage of their head on a retarded ducks body.)
by daN July 25, 2004
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cultural references:
-Was the favorite expression of Lee Majors as Heath on "Big Valley"
-Name of mascot for CREEM magazine (not porn, it's a longtime publication for rock music fans).
"Boy Howdy!"
by daN February 2, 2004
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A store where men or women can buy very fashionable clothing. Express is owned by Structure.

Originally was a women's clothing store, but Structure clothing stores later changed their name to Express Men and revamped their product lines.

Styles at Express are usually regarded as "dressy" while still looking somewhat casual. Popular items for men are pinstripe pants and the "MX" collared shirts.

A common stereotype is that Express Men appeals only to metrosexuals.
"I want to impress this girl at work, so I'm going to buy a new shirt and tie at Express Men."
by daN June 3, 2005
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someone who cannot at all stop themselves from watching porno its like there life all on 1 tape or dvd
"look at that geek i bet hes got pornovision"
"ya u can tell by the smile on his face"
by daN February 4, 2005
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Being envious of someone
Nicola is fucking jealous of hannah because she is with dan and nicola is not
by daN December 2, 2004
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Universe of Star Wars: A large orbital space station (the size of a small moon) capable of destroying a planet with it's Northen hemespherical superlaser. The first Death Star proved to be riddled with problems - it could not target capital ships and took many hours to recharge it's superlaser. Also, it had few if any laser turrets that were effective against snubfighters. The second Death Star overcame these problems but was destroyed at the Battle of Endor before it's completion. Note - the Death Star was designed by BEVEL LEMESIK - not the Geono-whatever idiots in Episode 2 of Kiddy Wars. George Lucas has messed around with the history so much he constantly contradicts that which he approved/wrote previously.
"That's no moon....it's a space station! <uncoprehendable roar, followed by prissy remarks from an unnamed source>"
by daN November 2, 2004
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