75 definitions by coell

In poker, someone already holds a hand that will beat the highest hand you can possibly make.
"He got quads on fourth street; I was drawing dead."
by coell May 13, 2005
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Same as "you should", though it can be use for any subject (I, he, she, we, it, they). Implies advice or warning. Common in the southern US, this phrase has been shortened down from:

You would be better off if you...
You would be better to ...
You'd be better...
You'd better...
You better...

Sometimes as a threat, a person will mistakingly say "you had better...", but the uncontracted version is "would" not "had".
You better get started on that paper if it's gonna be done by Monday.

You better be in this house when the street lights come on.

You better put them trash cans up on the porch, so's the dogs ain't gettin in 'em.
by coell March 22, 2006
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Same as "you should", though it can be use for any subject (I, he, she, we, it, they). Implies advice or warning. Common in the southern US, this phrase has been shortened down from:

You would be better off if you...
You would be better to ...
You'd be better...
You'd better...
You better...

Sometimes as a threat, a person will mistakingly say "you had better...", but the correct uncontracted version is "would" not "had".
You better get started on that paper if it's gonna be done by Monday.

You better be in this house when the street lights come on.

You better put them trash cans up on the porch, so's the dogs ain't gettin in 'em.
by coell March 16, 2006
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To receive a deadly amount of truth. Pun based on truth + electrocution.
"Shave your head, strap yourself in, and throw the switch -- you're about to get a truthocution." -- Stephen Colbert on Comedy Central's The Colbert Report, October 20, 2005
by coell October 23, 2005
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In Texas Hold 'Em Poker, the lowest pair of cards. Usually only relevant when nobody else has made a hand, but the lowest card on the board makes one pair for you.
"Bottom pair."
"All I got is ace high -- you win."
by coell May 13, 2005
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Phrase said before or after a prediction or declaration to mean: "You should write down what I say (mentally or literally), because it will come true or be something unforgetable."

Usually said in warning or in a betting situation, so that you can win a wager or say I told you so later.

Intended to convey great conviction, as though your statement could be doubted or denied by others.
"Mark my words, that car will break down on the way there."

"If you go, mark my words, your stuff will be on the lawn when you get back."

"That marriage won't last a year; mark my words."
by coell March 22, 2006
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Phrase said before or after a prediction or declaration to mean: "You should write down what I say (mentally or literally), because it will come true or be something unforgetable."

Usually said in warning or in a betting situation, so that you can win a wager or say I told you so later.

Intended to convey great conviction, as though your statement could be doubted or denied by others.
"Mark my words, that car will break down on the way there."

"If you go, mark my words, your stuff will be on the lawn when you get back."

"That marriage won't last a year; mark my words."
by coell February 25, 2006
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