39 definitions by chang tan

Age/Sex/Location, first question you will EVER see when you enter a chatroom. Used by everyone who needs some "cybering"
Pedophiles use a/s/l to lure children, offer them candy, rape, and then kill them.
by chang tan October 27, 2003
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A High School subject that doesn't have to be so damn necessarily hard to understand. If the book authors learned how to write in lamence terms for us non-scientists, maybe we should be able to cover the whole 30 chapter book in a hour. But noooo... those geeks really had to make it difficult. Actually, they add nothing but demonstrations and no official formulas, and they use big words to explain something as simple as a damn "mole" measurement. Therefore we have to take pen and paper and make our own damn formulas, no thanks to that $50.00 piece of crap.
I read chapter 1 to chapter 10, 75% of it consists of irrelevant situations of how to use what we are learning, in ways we never even thought it could be useless enough. 10% of it is actual examples where you must stare with a blank face and make up your own formulas, 15% is review work which you don't know how to do.
by chang tan February 14, 2004
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A term used to describe when a "underground" genre of musical expression has been fully embraced by the public media through aggressive advertising (aka MTV). Following this phase, the style begins to rapidly plummet in popularity while the ravenous leeches and posers choose to find a new fad to gnaw upon.

During the "Golden Years" of a mainstream topic, the genre recieves praise in record numbers, often represented by record numbers of identity-free morons with nothing to make themselves "stand out". It gains brief immortality during this phase, with not enough love, and not enough hate to dislodge it.

Only when the "haters" prevail in larger numbers in proportion to fans will the death sentence of a genre be finalized.
Rap music still hasn't died because for a decade, it has worked secretly to poison the urban population with wife-beating lyrics and brain-damaging rhythmes, making a permanantly imprint on the inner-city folk.

Very devilish plan indeed...
by chang tan May 16, 2005
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Where the fatty arbuckles eat to get plumper from the ecoli infested beef.
I ate from fast food resturants, and I got diaherria for the whole winter-spring season.
by chang tan October 27, 2003
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A self-capable farmboy/rancher.

Also may be interpreted as a sleazy barfly of the Old West who frequents taverns, wears cowhide knee-guards, spits chewed tobacco, and believes that a pistol-duel is a excellent problem solver.
Cowboy #1: "Gimme a chaw 'O tobacky will ya?"

Cowboy #2 (technically a "cow girl"): "Naw, you didn't pay me back the chaw I gave you before"

Cowboy #1: "Shutup and gimme the damn chaw woman!"

Cowboy #3: "Don't talk to my wimmin like that!"

Cowboy #3 hurls a fist at Cowboy #1, Cowboy #1 parries the attack easily, and throws another one but misses.

Cowboy #2 stands up from her chair, and lodges both of her fists into the brawler's chins.

Cowboy #2: "Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehaaaah!"

Cowboy #1 takes a half-full beer glass and breaks it on the head of Cowboy #3, knocking him unconcious before proceeding to pin Cowboy #2 to the ground and lifting her skirt up.
by chang tan December 19, 2004
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The "I wish I was Japense fanclub". It features several main characters:

Piro - The webmaster, artist, and main character of the comic. He is portrayed as a innocent pansy nerd, with a kink for Japanese girls and a obsessive sock fetish. Thankfully, his wussiness has restrained him from several potential scenes of rape throughout the comic, thus keeping the material clean for all readers.

Largo - Stereotypical gamer and avid comptuer overclocker, babbles in nonsensical "l33tsp33k", and due to his constant binging, has incredible resistance to physical punishment, which aids him well in his quest to purge all of Japan of "zombies", possibly a fabrication of his manic America Versus Japan culture clashing.

"The Queen" - Archnemesis of Largo, she posesses formidable skills in gaming, rivaling the disillusioned yankee himself. Intrigued by Largo's stubborness to cling onto his assinine beliefs, much of her story involves a complex silent-romance between her and the unwary Largo.

Hayasaka-San - One of the first friends Piro makes in Japan, she works in a game shop downtown. She keeps to herself about her personal life, and fends off sexual predators with voracious ferocity.

Generic Schoolwhore - A teenager of 16, she too has a crush with Piro, and with the pressure of her two bimbo peers, is forced into a shakey relationship with the reclusive twigboy.
Piro - "Oh my god, I'm so stupid! I should have got her drunk and pinned her down to the floor at the bar and had my way with her. But nooo... I wussed out. Stupid! Stupid! STUPID! Time to drown my sorrows with another drawing of sad girls in snow..."

Largo - "OMGz! U teh fag0rt! I teh l33t mast0rz! Git off me l33t n3tw0rk n0de u teh n00b!"

"The Queen" - "Dark, blackness, consuming me, tearing me up from the inside, can't endure for much longer.... tendrils fingering my asshole.... my sanity is about to crack.... death, darkness, destruction...."

Hayasaka-San - "Get any closer to me and i'll break your other arm!"

Generic Schoolwhore - "Kawaii! Oh my god, your so cute! Cutey Cutey Cutey ^-^! Hey handsome, how about a appointment in my apartment at 1908 Hawasaka Avenue, i'll be dressing in that outfit you like.... meet me at 9:00 sharp, and dress SEXY!"
by chang tan February 26, 2005
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I'm gonna rassle you sooo baad, you will be um... RASSLED! I rassled not men, but women, but its big Big BIG women! And I know wrestling is fake, which is why I rassle. You are soo gonna be rassled boy!
by chang tan January 4, 2004
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