80 definitions by carl

A man who raises dingleberrys as a crop. A Dingleberry farmer.
"The goverment pays me monthly so that I can continue being a dinglefarmer, and they can continue the dingleberry trade."
by carl August 27, 2003
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A big thick bootyliscious grabtastic
ass, mainly on african american women, although - there are plenty of white skittles that have Badonkadonks.
"Damn T, That hoe got one slamin' badonkadonk" "Thats Right, My Dear Friend, She does, and I've 'hit that shizznit with my dangla many times'
by carl August 27, 2003
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After heterosexual butt sex, the male extracts his member from her anus and places it in her cock holster(mouth).
After a brutal ass pounding, Johnny rewards Susie with a hotcarl.
by carl November 27, 2003
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n. carl's hot ass girlfriend; future wife of carl; richest woman in the world in 20 years;
Carl is the only boy who gets Kinndy. Kinndy is exclusively Carl's.
by carl January 21, 2004
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Evil op of #Ishin-digital. Ph34r him with much ph34r.
*** PlasticBunny was kicked by evilroot (I am not amused)
by carl June 12, 2003
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You people are morons.. A Dangler is a penis. You know - for the males - it's your Junk.
"Yo baby my dangler ain't danglin' no more when I see that fine badonkadonk ya got in those flyass hotpants"
by carl August 27, 2003
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