111 definitions by brittany

dick or a males part or a penis
I wanna bounce on his falosapus!
by brittany December 9, 2004
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means the same thing as radical, awsome, or sweet...u get the idea.
Those new shoes are totally tobular dude
by brittany January 11, 2005
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A word that is universal can be used in the place of any word. similar to shibby.
Dude your mom was fotchin last night

Your a fotchin bitch
by brittany June 14, 2004
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anything to describe whatever you want..but it's basically a woman's...ya know...
"You're such a hoo haa, UGH!"

"Dude, my hoo haa is givin' me trouble lately..."

"What the hoo haa are you doin?!"

"She's such a hoo haa'n idiot."
by brittany February 27, 2005
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