111 definitions by brittany

gay and proud,greek and proud,gay ass pimp
i am gap, i love being gap
by brittany December 1, 2003
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mushy white dripples with butter and its very good with salt
i eat grits to make my garganta interesting
by brittany November 14, 2002
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A person mixed with puertorican, black, and white
"Damn,that puertocaficracan girl ova there is fine!"
by brittany December 13, 2003
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hella means ..... like ultra cool .... like super ....... or very
dude that's hella funny. that was hella boring. hella awesome!
by brittany November 11, 2004
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the word move and scooch put together.
could u scove over please.
by brittany May 22, 2004
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