111 definitions by brittany

A person mixed wit white, black, and indian
"That caucinfrican ova there is mah gurl!"
by brittany December 13, 2003
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-from the HSS branding series
-standing for hott straight and single
-HSS branding series created by brittany, who is also the creator of fabtawesome
-found in conjunction with other terms from the series
HST- hott straight taken
HSB- hott straight on a break
HGS- hott gay single
HGT- hott gay taken
HGB- hott gay on a break
USS- ugly striaght single
UST- ugly striaght taken
USB- ugly striaght on a break
UGS- ugly gay single
UGT- ugly gay taken
UGB- ugly gay on a break
HBS- hott bi single
HBT- hott bi taken
HBB- hott bi on a break
UBS- ugly bi single
UBT- ugly bi taken
UBB- ugly bi on a break
"I hate being HSS, all the good guys are HST or HGS! *sigh*"
by brittany January 9, 2005
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the chains and pendants that are iced out with tons of diamonds, or the amount of chains around my neck.
by brittany November 14, 2003
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More intense, faster, harder, louder, vocals are usually screamed. The guitars are usually distorted to where it's diffifcult to tell what notes are being played.
hardcore emo
antioch arrow, angel hair, heroin, reach out, and merel are all hardcore emo bands.
by brittany September 6, 2003
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To Bounce or leave to go somewhere
Damn gurl this party is hella weak. Let's shake it.
by brittany October 22, 2003
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A term used to define a Chinese person who tries to act like a black person.

Only retards who have too much time on their hands use this term.
Loser1: Hey, do you know what a Chigger is?
Loser2: I dunno, you're too cool for me
Loser1: A Chinese Nigger!
Loser2: You're too funny!
Loser1: I spent all day yesterday making it up!
by brittany January 7, 2005
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