32 definitions by brd

The act of two or more couples swapping mates for sexual gratification for some period of time, usually a noght or weekend. Sometimes it is done in the same place and other times the couples go back to either the woman's or the man's residence to be more private.
Next weekend Jim is going to Frank and Sue's home while Frank comes to Jim's home to have sex with Jan during their semi-annual wife swapping party. Frank enjoys having sex with Sue because she is so cute, but really loves his wife Jan.
by brd October 10, 2004
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A term used to describe a virgin girl whose hymen is intact at the time of her first penetration. When she is first penetrated, whether by a finger, a penis, or some other object, her hymen tears and bleeds.
I had no idea April was a bleeder when I fingered her at the movies last night. She's so cute, I thought someone would have popped her cherry by now. If I had known, I would have waited to do it with my penis. It just goes to show you that you need to ask, especially with pre-high school girls. Drat!
by brd May 5, 2005
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A couples party where all of the men put their car keys into a bowl or bag and at the end of the party, the women blindly select a set of keys to determine who she goes home with for the rest of the evening for sexual gratification.
Last night I got to take Jerry's wife Sue home from the key party for the first time. She gave me a better blow job than my own wife Jan, but I love her more than anything, especially since she likes to attend the key parties with me. Jan went home with Bill and said she liked how large his penis was, but that I still make better love to her than any of her other partners.
by brd October 10, 2004
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Jim expected me to gargle his mouthwash after I gave him a blow job yesterday, Sue told her friend Jennifer. I did it before swallowing, but I hope thee boys get more mature when we get to high school.
by brd May 4, 2005
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The aftermath of a man's orgasm will "make a mess" if it is not contained by a condom, a mouth, a vagina, or an anus. In other words, it is allowed to spray and land either on the man or on his partner or partners or on the sheets or the floor or anywhere else.
My girlfriend never wants me to make a mess, even when I am masterbating around her. When I masterbate, I have to call her over when I am ready and she has me cum in her mouth after which she swallows so I don't make a mess.
by brd October 24, 2004
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A phrase, usually used to be crude, indicating the age by which a girl should be having sex. "Old enough to bleed" refers to the age a girl begins menstruation, usually around 12, but can be between 8 and 16 years of age. "Old enough to breed" means that when she mensrtruates she can have children, but of course she can not have children unless she has sexual intercourse.

Another way to rephrase this is "if she has started getting her period, she is old enough to have sex". Of course in many cultures, a girl is usually under the age of consent when she begins her period, so the result could be statuory rape. However, the female body begins menstruation earlier than the age of consent because years and years ago, humans did not live long, so it was necessary for the survival of the the species. For example, during the Roman Empire, the average life expectancy was 22 years.

Pheromones released during ovulation attract males to females who are able to bare children and cause them to become erect and desire intercourse with the ovulating female, so before civilization imposed restrictions on human sexuality, females would become sexually active when the began ovulating. While this is not a justification to have sex with underaged girls, it does explain why human females are able to have children long before society permits them to have sex.

At face value, the phrase states the obvious truth that once she begins menstruation, she can begin to have children, but as stated above, this is not how the phrases is commonly used.
Overheard at a junior high school party:

"I can't believe you went all the way with Sally, she's only 12!"

"Yeah, well, you know what they say... 'old enough to bleed, old enough to breed'. She was hot and horny too, you know."
by brd February 24, 2006
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Using fingers to enter a girl's vagina. Usually parcticed as safer sex or to preserve virginity.
Jim's not the one I want to lose my virginity to, but he can finger fuck my pussy all he wants. It hurt and I left a cherry stain on his bed when he took my finger virginity, but I love it now.
by brd October 29, 2004
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