21 definitions by billy-bob mcsanchez

(sporting) to get two ducks in your two innings in a 5 Day cricket match.
"Athers has got another fucking pair!"
by billy-bob mcsanchez April 7, 2005
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To go for a slash to urinate
"I'll just be going for a slash, 'wight"
by billy-bob mcsanchez April 6, 2005
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"Only a completely spackhanded cant like you would have dropped the baby!"
by billy-bob mcsanchez April 6, 2005
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Nickname for the political party New Labour amongst some left-wingers, with the blue referring to what they percieve to be the Tory Thatcherite policies that they have adopted/stolen from the right, whilst totally abandoning any pretence of being a workers party.
"Blue Labour, Tories, BNP, all one the same."
by billy-bob mcsanchez April 9, 2005
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Also spellt as 'batterz'.

Slang frequently used by 'chavs' ostensibly to mean homosexual. Based on the word 'batty' with the same meaning. However the word usually does not actually refer to the person in question actually being gay, more that they are annoying.
"Hey Kev ya piss midget, you facked my bird Shazza. You must be batters innit."
by billy-bob mcsanchez April 6, 2005
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"I'll just be getting the choo choo to Marylebone."
by billy-bob mcsanchez April 6, 2005
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An authoritarian figure, usually teachers or bosses at the workplace.
"Shit, I've got maths next with Adolf."

"I can't wait to get my P45 from Tesco, if only to get away from old Adolf over there."
by billy-bob mcsanchez April 8, 2005
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