552 definitions by baSTardized boTTomburp

Any enormous, ugly person who says 'lol' every 20 seconds while chatting on the internet.
"Lollersaurus masticated the leaves that represent my modem."
by baSTardized boTTomburp October 5, 2003
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1. Looks nothing like Kirby. Kirby is simply (0.0)
2. Used by azns to annoy the general population of internet users, yet amuse other azns. Sad, really.
1. HALLO I M IN WUV WIT KIRBY <(0.0)>!11
2. I h8 yuo, fagit <(0.0)>...
by baSTardized boTTomburp May 10, 2003
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A general responce to anything, usually of disinterest.
<MathsHobo> Did you do your Maths assignment accounting towards 60% of your report?
<BungStrung> Shiggity shiggity shwa.
by baSTardized boTTomburp July 19, 2003
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an emission of heavenly gas (deadly to those on the receiving end of it) which leaves a searing mark on the ground of wence the giver sat.
"I did a bottomburp!"

"You did a bottomburp!"

"We did a bottomburp!"
by baSTardized boTTomburp March 17, 2003
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