552 definitions by bastardized bottomburp

The toilet roll located up the ass of the large Kraid-phewl. Irreplacable. Priceless.
Kraid's butt-doobie is bulging today.
by bastardized bottomburp March 18, 2003
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Coding language that creates programs and website-based programs, based <form>s, like in this website. Urban Dictionary uses PHP to let you submit the definitions with a form.
I don't no any PHP, but it's hella useful.
by bastardized bottomburp July 20, 2003
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Shifty, sly, supicious, dark, low, low-profile.
The shady looking man slipped into the bar.
by bastardized bottomburp March 21, 2003
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Shamelessly endorses other websites by letting people add their sites to a great big list of sites.
I searched 'Ancient Egyptian Remains' on the search engine and got 14 000 results, mainly consisting of pornography.
by bastardized bottomburp June 27, 2003
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Out of order, like my old walkman.

The inability to function.
Crap, my ass is broken. Oh well. I'll be sitting here for a while, so... definitions galore.
by bastardized bottomburp November 3, 2003
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An object that slopes. Most probably into your impending doom. DOOM.
I fell down a steep hill into my doom.
by bastardized bottomburp March 18, 2003
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