30 definitions by asshole

SHITTY BAND FROM LONG ISLAND they have horrible lead vocals and shitty riffs
Person 1:Hey man, lets go see that band gorikoza!
Person 2: Jesus Christ Monkey Balls, they suck!
by asshole July 25, 2004
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satans torture for teenagers shit you don't need or want to know
chemistry is for crack heads
by asshole February 3, 2004
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Short for Bug Chasing. Term popularized by an article in Rolling Stone. Activity popular among fagtards that think the eroticism in trying to get AIDS for fun is totally rad.
"You don't want to sleep with him, I hear he's into chasing."
by asshole October 6, 2003
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a white fag that thinks he is black and beats it too much
eminem is a wangster
by asshole January 31, 2004
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1.a butt
2.a donkey
3.a retarded person
1.damn that girl has a fat ass. it jiggles all around.
2.don't make me kick ur ass in the ass.
3.You are such an ass for reading this right here.
by asshole August 24, 2003
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Word all too often used by Americans to connotate a feeling of apathy. The fact that it's used in almost every sentence is not as alarming to many as it should be.
"They bombed a foreign nation without cable TV. Millions died."
"Whatever. They're making another Temptation Island."
by asshole October 6, 2003
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