78 definitions by alyssa

Engaging in tomfoolery when you're a douchebag
Julie stop engaging in such t-baggery when you play Mario.

The gopher is so t-baggery when he wears those sunglasses.
by alyssa April 25, 2008
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Engaging in tomfoolery when you're a douchebag
Julie stop engaging in such t-baggery when you play Mario.

The gopher is so t-baggery when he wears those sunglasses.
by alyssa April 25, 2008
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A wasian is a riccer
riccer is a wasian yes
by alyssa December 20, 2004
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1. a city located in southern California
2. "America's finest city"
3. known for perfect weather all year round and tourist attractions: Legoland, Sea World, Wild Animal Park, & SD Zoo
by alyssa February 11, 2004
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someone who does not understand what your saying or who is acting out of control
"God, stop being such a facehead."
by alyssa January 2, 2004
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a bad friend; a backstabber; something bad or horrible
I had a very dodgy day because I got a bad grade.
by alyssa June 6, 2003
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