31 definitions by agnumbnuts

An awesome set of words to use when you have tourettes syndrome.
John Connor to his auntie J 'you camco-rozbacking, baldy fudge packet. Willy dribble!'
by agnumbnuts November 15, 2011
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Inserting a firework in the butt at 12 oclock midnight and watching it explode and smear the crowd.

This year ill be doing a New year whirlybird to celebrate
by agnumbnuts November 22, 2011
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A skinny guy who likes to sleep in the folds or flaps of a very fat woman.
Danny loves his hotdog mama sooo much he cant wait to go see her
by agnumbnuts November 22, 2011
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A skinny guy who enjoys sleeping in the flaps or folds of a very fat woman.
Dave loves sleeping with the mother in law, he loves the hotdog mama
by agnumbnuts November 22, 2011
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Your on the bog and doh! no toilet roll!! only thing around is The Sun newspaper so you end up giving a page 3 girl a shitty beard.
Danny to his mum 'muuummmm we've ran out of bum scrape!'
Mum 'We spent the toilet roll money on fags so use the Scratch and Scream. (ie The Sun)'
by agnumbnuts November 8, 2011
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The 'dog' being a lady of questionable morals who does anything for a bottle of Lambrini.
My mate Tam is a dog batty basher, she loves it!
by agnumbnuts November 22, 2011
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Someone Farts and no one admits to it so they get the fart detective on the case to find out who did it.
True story, last friday I was on the bus to work and someone let rip. Damn it smelled! People started to wretch. A lilttle old lady became a fart detective and searched out the culprit who turned out to John Connor after a curry.
by agnumbnuts November 10, 2011
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