yeah this aint that much fun to have. i used to get beat up cos of it. basicaly you just say stuff un intentionaly (some times i swear a lot) and twitch a lot and i cant really get to the end of a sentance without coughing three times at least
the other day i swore in my teachers face and got detention and when he found out i had tourettes he was all embarased
by youxbrokexmyxheart&&ixwontxforgivexyou May 29, 2006
See: tourette syndrome
Tourette Syndrome is an inherited, neurological disorder characterized by repeated and involuntary body movements (tics) and uncontrollable vocal sounds. In a minority of cases, the vocalizations can include socially inappropriate words and phrases -- called coprolalia. These outbursts are neither intentional nor purposeful. Involuntary symptoms can include eye blinking, repeated throat clearing or sniffing, arm thrusting, kicking movements, shoulder shrugging or jumping.
These and other symptoms typically appear before the age of 18 and the condition occurs in all ethnic groups with males affected 3 to 4 times more often than females. Although the symptoms of TS vary from person to person and range from very mild to severe, the majority of cases fall into the mild category. Associated conditions can include attentional problems, impulsiveness and learning disabilities.
Tourette Syndrome is an inherited, neurological disorder characterized by repeated and involuntary body movements (tics) and uncontrollable vocal sounds. In a minority of cases, the vocalizations can include socially inappropriate words and phrases -- called coprolalia. These outbursts are neither intentional nor purposeful. Involuntary symptoms can include eye blinking, repeated throat clearing or sniffing, arm thrusting, kicking movements, shoulder shrugging or jumping.
These and other symptoms typically appear before the age of 18 and the condition occurs in all ethnic groups with males affected 3 to 4 times more often than females. Although the symptoms of TS vary from person to person and range from very mild to severe, the majority of cases fall into the mild category. Associated conditions can include attentional problems, impulsiveness and learning disabilities.
by Cosmicstargoat April 28, 2004
One of the most common symptoms of tourettes syndrome is uncontrollable throat clearing, laughing, or other facial, or audible ticks.
Adam (AKA PTOboy) could not say three sentences without laughing like beavis and butthead.
He also compulsively cleared his throat 50 - 100 times a day.
"AHEM - listen to me: I'm going to say something very important again..."
He also compulsively cleared his throat 50 - 100 times a day.
"AHEM - listen to me: I'm going to say something very important again..."
by Joyce March 31, 2004
A comedy illness where the "sufferer" appears to be unable to control ticks (spasms) and utters a variety of noises, coughs and/or swear words. These are brave dudes.
Fuck! Shit! Cuntybollocks! Nobs! Sacks! Fuckin Ell! I suffer from Tourettes so I can call you what i like.
by K.Browne December 12, 2006
by Lexie December 13, 2003
Amazing metal band from Australia, fronted by the gorgeous Michele Madden. Their latest album is "Detestimony" (2004).
by stiletto June 22, 2005
by Bouf October 13, 2004