41 definitions by Xyzzy
Wannabe Indian ethnic studies professor whose credentials no one bothered to check until he questioned Bush. Unlike David Yeagley, a wannabe Indian who couldn't decide his field and follows Bush lock-step and therefore is unquestioned even though his credentials are as suspect as Churchill's.
by Xyzzy March 13, 2005
an operating system which uses more RAM than the typical system and automatically installs Microshaft's own Internet Expirer browser on your system, then won't allow you to remove it, thus allowing Bill Gates to view your system personally. It also self-upgrades, thus taking up your memory with Borg implants. Did I mention that some versions uninstall all non-MS products? Also expect to view the blue screen of death at least once a day, sometimes twice.
by Xyzzy February 8, 2004
a bowl-shaped hollow at the end of a mountain valley. One of the three words in the English language with no A's, E's, I's, O's, U's, or Y's. The other two are crwth and mwg; all three are of Welsh origin. Also used to refer to female genitalia.
by Xyzzy April 24, 2005
Get the craniorectal inversion mug.
Japanese instant noodles which come in cup or block form, popular with college students (who can't afford anything else) and otaku (who just like anything Japanese). As a connoisseur of cheap DIY meals, I've developed means of assigning ramen a rating on a scale of zero to four stars: One half-star for every flavor packet beyond the first, one star if it comes in its own cup, an extra half star if that comes with its own meat or vegetables, and a star and a half if the dry noodles don't remind me of Play-Doh.
by Xyzzy May 31, 2005
Term for "citizen" used by Republicans, who measure citizenship by how much money you make. Note that how much money you make is not proportional to your income, and that under Bush's tax plans, only income you earn yourself (as opposed to dividends and inheritance) is actually taxed.
Supply-siders bitch that the top 20% pay over 40% of the taxes, but the top 10% control over 90% of the wealth.
by Xyzzy February 6, 2005
Proof that white kids steal everything from black culture, Chef wasn't serious about the term. :D Matt and Trey probably are also making a Bedknobs and Broomsticks reference for purposes of absurdity.
Mr Garrison: Chef, what did you do when white people stole your culture?
Chef: Oh. Well, we black people just always tried to stay out in front of them.
Mr Slave: How did you do that?
Chef: Well, like with our slang. Black people always used to say, "I'm in the house" instead of "I'm here." But then white people all started to say "in the house" so we switched it to "in the hizzouse." Hizzouse became hizzizzouse, and then white folk started saying that, and we had to change it to hizzie, then "in the hizzle" which we had to change to "hizzle fo shizzle," and now, because white people say "hizzle fo shizzle," we have to say "flippity-floppity-floo."
Mr Garrison: We don't have time for all that, Chef! Oh, if only those Queer Eye For the Straight Guy people understood what they were doing. Wait. That's it! I know exactly what to do! Come on, Mr. Slave! Let's get back to our flippity-floppity-floo.
Chef: Oh no! Dammit! Don't call it that!
Chef: Oh. Well, we black people just always tried to stay out in front of them.
Mr Slave: How did you do that?
Chef: Well, like with our slang. Black people always used to say, "I'm in the house" instead of "I'm here." But then white people all started to say "in the house" so we switched it to "in the hizzouse." Hizzouse became hizzizzouse, and then white folk started saying that, and we had to change it to hizzie, then "in the hizzle" which we had to change to "hizzle fo shizzle," and now, because white people say "hizzle fo shizzle," we have to say "flippity-floppity-floo."
Mr Garrison: We don't have time for all that, Chef! Oh, if only those Queer Eye For the Straight Guy people understood what they were doing. Wait. That's it! I know exactly what to do! Come on, Mr. Slave! Let's get back to our flippity-floppity-floo.
Chef: Oh no! Dammit! Don't call it that!
by Xyzzy February 21, 2004