14 definitions by Xtina

Similar to cornucopia but instead of fruits and vegetables, you have various different kinds of alcohol.
"Tonite there will be a crunkacopia of gin and koolaid"
by Xtina March 12, 2005
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Bri went up to Christina while she was talking to a guy and told her she had to go home with her. She was pussy pausin on Christina's vibe
by Xtina July 15, 2017
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A massive attack of the shits in which ones asshole refuses to close.
After eating 8 tacos he had a blowout
by Xtina March 24, 2005
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Similar to crackhead, minus crack. It is a person who likes to get crazy and drunk at the same time.
"Dude, your such a crunkhead"
by Xtina March 12, 2005
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To vomit, barf, pewk, blow chunks...etc
She totally just bontched in my shoes!
by Xtina March 24, 2005
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used to describe something that tastes good. like nummers or yummy.
mmmm this is nummerful!
by Xtina April 6, 2004
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a phrase one would use upon hearing something either stupid as shit, or just a general comeback such as "yer mom." Nah uh-ing is common in many farming regions, where vocabulary is below normal.
shauna-can i borrow your car?
by Xtina May 28, 2004
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