11 definitions by XfantomcatX

a fan of lotr that really likes hobbits and/or elves from the movie and/or book.
by XfantomcatX April 19, 2003
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what the gay guys do with their hands as they flick it when they are speaking
"oh you silly*limpwrist*"
by XfantomcatX April 18, 2003
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The time right after masterbation when you dont want to masterbate anymore. you think you are foolish for doing it and you wanna turn your porn off. it usually doesnt last long.
by XfantomcatX April 18, 2003
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The "forest people" they are in literature, such as Lord of the Rings, and are a tall, elegant race that is immortal.
by XfantomcatX April 18, 2003
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a former boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife, or even friend.
i just talked to my ex yesterday, she was really pissed cuz i dont pay her child support.
by XfantomcatX April 18, 2003
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