42 definitions by Wiseman
by Wiseman July 17, 2006
liar,love bitching his "OC-48" connection.(but it is cable connection)and he said that he owns osdatacenter, never seen these kind of motherfuckers
OMFG!i has OC-48 connection!!!!1111oneoneone
by Wiseman July 25, 2004
A descriptive term used by youth to describe electronic music almost like edm or similar styles that are approved by hip hop or rap listeners. Some might describe DJ Snake and Lil Jon's iconic Turn Down for What as Tronic. Tronic is a derived from Electronic primarily, but some as myself see it from the words Tonic, Chronic, or Phonic. Tonic as in the drink which is sometimes associated with alcohol as in the drink Gin & Tonic (which Neil Bulson has a perfect description of those who drink those most being hipsterish people) these are the type of people who listen to this type of music regularly. Note: I have no problems with hipsterish people that's just what I've found. Chronic being good weed or something positive so people are calling the thing good. And finally Phonic or basic meaning not really deep or inspiring just hype music that tends to make good cash but not really be remembered as a classic.
by Wiseman August 5, 2015
by Wiseman April 5, 2004
by Wiseman July 11, 2006
by Wiseman February 22, 2005
by Wiseman July 10, 2006