32 definitions by WeAlsoDoSomeTrolling

The opposite of plot armor: a predictable guarantee that a character will die for plot purposes.

Refers to the 2006 assassination of Russian defector Alexander Litvinenko in London using polonium, a dangerous and radioactive element.
Andrew: That dude is making out with the main character’s love interest!
Bill: He has plot polonium. He’ll die by two episodes. I’m calling it.
by WeAlsoDoSomeTrolling April 26, 2020
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A giant pickup truck or SUV that’s so tall and heavy that most impacts, especially those involving children, will result in fatality. On a normal car, if it hits you, you can usually roll onto the hood and off the side because the top of the hood is 2 feet off the ground. A kiddie squisher is typically 5 feet off the ground, so that’s not an option, so your only option is to go forward and onto the ground, which is much more dangerous.

On top of that, the hood obstructs your vision because of its sheer size, the car is difficult to turn, and the sheer weight of the car makes it slow to stop, so avoiding obstacles is difficult in a kiddie squisher.
Anyone who drives a kiddie squisher like a Ford F-150 or a Chevy Silverado is clearly compensating for something.
by WeAlsoDoSomeTrolling September 2, 2022
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According to online lore are a number of “pills” (outlooks on life) out there for men, to take, including:

-Blue Pill (thinking life will get better even if you don’t do anything to change. You’ll get a girlfriend, a good job, and a joyful life without having to change a bit)
-Red Pill (realizing that none of the above will happen unless you make some serious changes in life- start working out, eat healthier, learn to do better at work, quit watching porn or using drugs, etc…)
-Black Pill (realizing that the world is inherently rigged against young men and there’s nothing you can do about it)
-Pink Pill (thinking that the world is so rigged against men that the only way forward is to transition)

Finally, there’s the Gold Pill. The most beautiful and spiritually freeing of them all. The Gold Pill says that there will be many harsh challenges ahead, but you’ll be able to overcome them because God is with you and on your side. So you need not be afraid, because when the time comes, you’ll have the strength you need to carry the day.
Robert: Eric, have you been ok? I know it’s been rough, dealing with losing your job and your girlfriend all in the same week.

Eric: It’s been tough. But I just keep reminding myself. In the end, we win.

Robert: Wow, based and goldpilled.
by WeAlsoDoSomeTrolling June 6, 2024
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Another game for FPS games. Similarly to how adventure platformers are called metroidvanias (after Metroid and Castlevania), shooters can be called Wolfendooms (after Wolfenstein and Doom).
Guy 1: What kind of games do you play?

Guy 2: Mostly Wolfendooms.
by WeAlsoDoSomeTrolling September 3, 2022
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Me: Really? Space Racism?
by WeAlsoDoSomeTrolling April 23, 2023
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A Chad who never wanted to be a Chad in the first place. InChads are typically asexual, hate playing sports because theirs dads made them, and resent their own good looks.

Short for involuntary Chad.
Charlie played football back in high school. He hates talking to girls and shaved his head so girls would stop flirting with him. He’s an InChad.
by WeAlsoDoSomeTrolling December 20, 2021
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Bikini bottoms that cover a small triangular portion of the sacrum but none of the buttcheeks.
Steve: There were a lot of buttkinis at the beach today.

Ted: Ah. I take it you had a good time?
by WeAlsoDoSomeTrolling September 1, 2022
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