Wakanda Forever

A line from Black Panther, the basic words, greetings, salutations, of a Black to a black, Black to Indian, Indian to Black, and Indian to Indian.
Heyo Ma Boi Seth. Wakanda Forever.
by Yee Gitti May 15, 2018
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Wakanda Forever

1. The traditional greeting from the fictional land of Wakanda.

2. Recognition by 2 or more parties that something is uniquely black. The phrase is then spoken acknowledge the instance.
1. Random- What up, homie?

T'Challa- Wakanda forever

2. Jackson- You feel like wings?

Xavier- Sure... make sure they well done

Jackson- You already know!

Xavier- Wakanda Forever
by Deft Trap Savage February 11, 2019
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wakanda forever

a quote used by virgins who think they is in the marvel universe. the virgins usually cross their arms and pretend they are black

carl "wakanda forever'

tyler "gey"
by richl8uis March 13, 2018
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Spider-Man: New York is for lovers!
by SACHIsm November 18, 2022

Wakanda forever

WAKANDA FOREVER is what a chess pieces screams when they sacrifice themselves in Top Chess. Another word they say is Ebombay.
I fuck your protection WAKANDA FOREVER
in which d4 , d5, c4, c6, xd5
by jinna124 August 18, 2024
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